Analysis Of Labor Rights After The Job Creation Law In Perspective Of Human Rights

Analysis Of Labor Rights After The Job Creation Law In Perspective Of Human Rights


  • Christina NM Tobing Universitas Pelita Harapan
  • Sryani Br. Ginting University of Pelita Harapan
  • Hasnul Arifin Melayu Universiti Utara Malaysia



Human Rights, Labor Rights, Labor Law


The Job Creation Law has caused controversy from various circles of society, both in terms of the procedure for its formation and the contents, especially the labor cluster. Many materials in the Job Creation Law reduce workers’ rights by creating a flexible working relationship. The relationship is more in favor of the interests of employers, thus raising the issue of legalizing modern slavery, which is contrary to human rights. This study analyzes changes in workers’ rights, especially regarding wages, specific worktime agreements, outsourcing, and severance pay from a human rights perspective. This research was normative legal research, namely on the substance of workers’ rights after the Job Creation Law from a human rights perspective, with a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. The analysis revealed that the job creation law policy is an effort to create the broadest possible employment opportunities and attract greater investment to Indonesia. In addition, it is to realize the human rights of workers who have not worked. The changes in the Job Creation Law and its implementing regulations that abolish and reduce workers’ rights and make work relations more flexible can violate workers’ human rights. On the other hand, the Government is trying to strike a balance by creating new and fair workers’ rights.

Author Biography

Christina NM Tobing, Universitas Pelita Harapan

Penulis menyelesaikan S1 Hukum Univ. Darma Agung Medan, S2 Ilmu Hukum dari Univ. Sumatera Utara, terakhir menyelesaikan S3 Hukum dari Univ. Islam Sultan Agung Semarang (2017).

Hakim ad hoc PHI di Pengadilan Negeri Medan (2007 s.d. 2016).

Saat ini menjadi pengajar tetap di Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pelita Harapan.  



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